Thursday, November 29, 2012

Could it last post was April?  Well, as was the situation then, it is again, I confess.   Confusion and random life situations have placed themselves in my path, and kept me from my diligent quest to maintain a record of thoughts, feelings and lessons learned here on my blog.

Where to begin?

As I peruse the last few posts (so long since) I remember the thoughts and focus I had at that time.  So many ways things have changed, and in many nothing new. 

Health:  The big one.  (No pun intended, HA)  I feel the Lord directed me to words that started me on a new journey.  I researched a successful organization that refers and assists patients to a world renowned bariatric surgeon in Mexico and the doors opened up so quickly for me, that I was whisked into a world of positive experience and kind encouragement to finally tackle the weight issue that was becoming a physical and mental burden to me and my dear family.  I made reference to this situation in an earlier post.  Ups and downs and a winding path is the way I trod.  Looking back now, though, it was all for a reason and the Lord has shown His love and tender mercy in so many ways that I would have not experienced if there were another way.  All that said, and I am leaving way too much out, but...drum roll loudly playing in your head please...I am ninety pounds lighter today!!  Amazing and with God's grace I am much happier, healthier and productive! 

School:  Over the summer it was a burden I carried and blamed my busy-ness and my distraction with other "things" but finally came heart to heart with my decision on whether to homeschool Victoria or not.  Before the school year ended we took ourselves to the school of choice and interviewed and were interviewed.  It was decided that all was well and the paperwork was signed, cheques given and teacher met.  The handbook was brought home to be studied and discussed.  In a blur the summer was over and school year was begun and my sweet, energetic, always homeschooled ten year old was dropped off at the door of the "big bad wolf's den of twaddle infested socially inept boring jailed in academy of learning".   Thankful, I took my little one home to the safety of my "no pressure, twaddle free messy unorganized comfortable crazy mold infested overcrowded animal overrun busy homeschool".  I would be the hero at least, to her for one more year.  To our happy surprise (and my secret disappointment) my girl LOVED the structure and twaddle and social awkwardness!  She has had a little catching up, but came through with flying colors and has adjusted academically very well.  Dramatist that she is, things are a little zany sometimes, with the "he said, she said" of the social life of eleven year olds, but all in stride, I say.  Continually learning and grasping those opportunities for character development!  Angel is home with Mommy and we are hopping from stone to stone with the fun of learning to read, write and learn one plus one's.  We'll see what is in store for next year,  I have learned not to look too far into the future and plan.  God is better at that "planning" stuff, and is always working things together for my good...

Home:  well, how do I say it...all's well that ends well.  The basement is re-done (new floors, walls, doors etc etc) and I have four extra people boarding in that space.  Love the company, hate the mess, love the family hate the drama.  "Nuff said.

Still searching for the formula to a joyful contented life.  My research and experience tell me that it is in the little things.  In the moments, not days or weeks.  Being thankful is a huge contributor as well.  Always seeking the right answers, and the wise solutions to the stumbles and failures.  God is good.  That is a little statement, but can speak to so much...

Here's to another new beginning~  we'll see how faithful I can be this time~  if there was just a way to get this on my i-Phone...something to look into...

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